How is Generation Alpha Influencing Consumer Behavior?
A New Generation
Often overlooked, this report shines the spotlight on Generation Alpha. But who is generation Alpha, and why is it important for marketers to understand their behavior?
Gen Alpha includes children who were born in or after 2012. As of 2022, the oldest of their generation is 10 years old. Breaking down consumerism by generation can provide meaningful insights – but we wanted to dive a little
deeper into what makes those people tick.
At Predictive Data Lab, we study human behavior. We look at how humans
interact with the world through every possible lens. Our proprietary Intelligence Hub gives us access to vast amounts of data that paints robust pictures of your customers - and potential customers - lifestyles.
Download the full study to dive deeper into our findings and discover how Generation Alpha is influencing certain trends and changes in consumer behaviors.
Download the Full Report
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